I am going to pass this award on to the following people for the following reasons.
(see the rules of acceptance at the bottom of this post... )Oh.. and I've linked both their Twitter profiles and their Blog's for ease of following!

And the following people because they are all joining me and two UK book publishers to review parenting and children's books in a new bloggers book club!

The reason being he was the one who invited me to Twitter...
and if it wasn't for that...
I probably woudn't have joined back in August 09 because all my friends are die-hard facebook geeks...
therefore, I wouldn't have met the Tweeters I have met...
therefore wouldn't have stumbled across the blogs I stumbled across...
therefore I definitely would have never started my own blog...
And therefore I wouldn't be passing on this Sunshine Award!!!
(and instead of sat here writing this post, I would have been cleaning the house)
So thanks dude! You've managed to change a bit of destiny!!! (I think Mick would have preferred me to be cleaning!)
There are a few rules for receiving this award....
Here they are.
1 - Put the Sunshine Award logo in your blogs sidebar or within your Sunshine Award post
2 - Pass the award onto the Bloggers you deem worthy of it3 - Link the nominees within your post
4 - Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog
5 - Share the love - link to the person from whom you received this award.
PS... visit Nickie's Sunshine post where you will find a handy little html code for the Sunshine award
PPS... If you aren't already following our lovely Book Club Bloggers - can you please do so. A few of them are new bloggers so need some followers to get started. We'll also have a separate blog for the book club so I'll let you know when its all go go go! Thanks :)
Oh.. and any suggestions for it's name???
Surnames and kettles go hand in hand...
Thanks for passing it back x
AAAhhhh, THANK YOU! :D *mwah*
Thank you very much! Really looking forward to it :)
so what have I done? Was it the comment about your light up slapper lip gloss?
no award.... (sob)
no invite to the book club..... (sob sob...)
Is it my hair?
I am beside myself....
lol U've got an award now!! Oh and the Bloggers Book Club, I tweeted about it a while back.. U can be in if you want!! U just get sent books for free and you need to review them... We cant meet like actual book clubs so we will have to cyber meet and drink cyber wine every now and again :)
Cyber-hangovers are soooo much easier to cope with! ;-)
I wish today's hangover was due to cyber vino!!!!!
Thankyou,it's almost like i'm a bafta winner!(yes,it's been a long time since I received any sort of award!!!)
Aww Thank You! And what a lovely way to present it!
Have blogged about it :)
How lovely, now im all set up with my blog I have something to write on it!! Thanks Manda xxx
Thanks everyone - you're welcome xxx