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Posted by Me - - 9 comments

It was a while back now, I made a note of Emily at Baby Rambles 'Is there anything you won't blog about' post.

I made a note because I too had something to say about it! 

I started my blog because I thought I should have 'my place of work' with a presence in the world of mummy bloggers.

Id never really been into blogs before -  and if you read the post I wrote when I gave out my Sunshine awards, you would find this:

Finally - I'm passing this to JP 'Web Guru extraordinaire' from Expert Marketing Ltd  (aka @jonstringer)
The reason being he was the one who invited me to Twitter...
and if it wasn't for that...
I probably woudn't have joined back in August 09 because all my friends are die-hard facebook geeks...
therefore, I wouldn't have met the Tweeters I have met...
therefore wouldn't have stumbled across the blogs I stumbled across...
therefore I definitely would have never started my own blog...
And therefore I wouldn't be passing on this Sunshine Award!!! 

(and instead of sat here writing this post,  I would have been cleaning the house)

So thanks dude! You've managed to change a bit of destiny!!! (I think Mick would have preferred me to be cleaning!) 

So anyway, back to the reason I started blogging....
Yes it was because I joined Twitter - because before that I really wasn't even aware a HUGE mummy blogging world was hiding behind a little door, ready to take over the real world (cause thats whats going to happen you know!) 

I started tweeting initially for work......
Social networking is for winners!

Then I started the blog - went with consistency in the choice of name..
But now as I have got into blogging a tiny winy bit, met some fabby people who write fabby blogs, I too find myself wanting to express myself in the way they do but am having to hold back what I want to say because I'm not just me, that's not how i originally established myself here. 

Ok it's me - but I spend ALL day EVERY day writing stuff for work... do I really want to blog about serious stuff all the time?? Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed writing my early 'Serious' posts such as 'Pink Stinks' etc

So then... 

I have put an edge of its ME in my blog by stating everything that I pap on about is my opinion and not linked to work (you wouldnt believe what can cause someone to send in a letter of complaint, I once wrote a feature on nappy rash and eczema and showed a pic of a babys bum and had a 4 x A4 page complaint letter!).. 

but still, I could never really be ME in a blog linked to work.. so am I really that bad lol!.. (there are a couple of you who have me on facebook who know the real me!! erm... @lolas_mum has seen my early morning stroll pics and @nickie72 has seen my VERY secret drunken ventriloquism video)

The things mentioned in the blogs Emily talks about in her post are the things I'd love to write about... 

So should I hold back?...

I also looked at my blog and realised, recently, I haven't actually written anything with any.. well.. erm.. anything! It's just been memes and tags! 

I do occasionally say bollocks, poo, crap etc, but If i did occasionally swear, mentioned sex, my POO story that someone once asked me to elaborate on when commenting on someone elses post or even uploaded my drunken ventriloquism video - would it really do any harm to the magazine... are my readers really that prim and proper???

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Posted by Me - - 8 comments

I'm so glad I went to see Em's teacher BEFORE I went to sit in her class room and read through her school books in her tray.

What must Miss Dobbs have thought as she was marking Em's Clauses work in her Literacy book on Wednesday 24th Feb.. (check out no. 2)

 Ok, so when the kids are in bed, I spend too much time on the computer, in the bath, watching movies... and not enough time cleaning up!

But then...

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Posted by Me - - 12 comments

Yo homies.

Just a quick novelty post (yes another one, I know, it's about time I wrote another topical one, I don't need telling!)....

But I have to shout about this!...

I recently joined Heather @ Notes from Lapland's Secret Post Club . (<--- highly recommended!)

For any of you who aren't familiar with this, basically each month Heather emails you who your Secret Post Club recipient is to be, you post them a nice little parcel.. it doesn't have to be much - it can be an unwanted gift, something handmade or if you are buying something, they recommend something between £1 and £10! .... and obviously the good bit is you receive a surprise parcel from someone else too.

I was over the moon when I received my gift - it was fantastic and from another Heather at

My gift was delivered via the internet with a picking note saying something along the lines of "I hope you and your children enjoy these retro sweets, my ULR is..." and then nothing! I had a pretty good idea it must have been from the owner of the site, but I just double checked with Heather first before I said my thanks!!!

(I ordered my recipients parcel from the internet with a delivery message, so I hope she gets her personal message! Haven't heard from her to say she has received it and obviously The Gadget Shop aren't in the Secret Post Club so she should guess it's not from them!!!!)

Anyway - here is a really cheesy and embarrasing vlog of me saying thanks to Heather.... Don't ask what the 'squeal' is... maybe a little over excited by Rainbow Drops?!!!!

Oh and check out the cutest camera person in the world with her "how do you stop it" whisper.. ahhhh!!

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Posted by Me - - 10 comments

A BIG welcome to my guest blogger, Diney... 
Older mums are fun - unless they forget to take their HRT!

I’m Diney and am delighted to be a guest blogger on Manda’s blog, if only because it makes me sound like a real writer! I have an opinionated 10 year old daughter who is now fully informed on all things grown up as I gave her ‘the talk’ a few days ago, so now she thinks she is going to be able to give up hockey (which she detests) if she has a baby. Hmmm…..perhaps that talk should be reviewed again.
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Posted by Me - - 4 comments

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Posted by Me - - 10 comments

I was sat at my computer last Thursday night when the kids were in bed, as you do, when Tweet deck popped up a few messages about a Disney Dance-off.. well anyone who knows me knows I love a good dance off...
I am more of a 'pop it, lock it, polka dot it, Hoedown Throwdown' kinda gal, (but that's a different vlog altogether tee hee) so learning to dance like a Disney Princess is really not my thang... I am far from 'delicate'.
But... I happened to have had a few glasses of wine last Thursday and before you know it, Tuesday night was my deadline for uploading my dance off!

Liz at Living with Kids started it all off in this post following Disney's creation of the Disney Princess Dance, supported by the British Dance Council, to encourage youngsters across the UK to get active.

Anyway... surprise surprise Karin at Cafebebe along with Pippa at A Mothers Ramblings were the first to jump in there with comments starting this vlog dance off.

This is no word of a lie, the weekend was hectic, I didn't practice once.. or even watch the 'learn how to video', we've been watching England play Table Tennis at Preston Guild Hall tonight and only got home at 9.30pm, so it was literally, watch the video once, Jake as camera man using the mobile and with my own Princess Emma as my dance partner - I recon we completely pulled it off... WINGED IT!

Ps.. Do I get extra points for singing?? 

So here it is!....

(If today wasn't such a rush, I would have dressed up - that was our plan... but unfortunately I was just in my scruffs n jeans!)

Anyway - as I said, when you talk Disney n stuff, I'm more of a Hannah Montanna kinda gal, so I am starting my own dance off vlog competition and I want lots of you to join in pretty please...

Here it is:

We'll do it at the end of the month - takes a little bit more time to learn! and I'm sure your kids (if old enough) will give you a little help! In fact many of you probably already know it step by step!!

So who's in?....
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