It was a while back now, I made a note of Emily at Baby Rambles 'Is there anything you won't blog about' post.
I made a note because I too had something to say about it!
I started my blog because I thought I should have 'my place of work' with a presence in the world of mummy bloggers.
Id never really been into blogs before - and if you read the post I wrote when I gave out my Sunshine awards, you would find this:

The reason being he was the one who invited me to Twitter...
and if it wasn't for that...
I probably woudn't have joined back in August 09 because all my friends are die-hard facebook geeks...
therefore, I wouldn't have met the Tweeters I have met...
therefore wouldn't have stumbled across the blogs I stumbled across...
therefore I definitely would have never started my own blog...
And therefore I wouldn't be passing on this Sunshine Award!!!
(and instead of sat here writing this post, I would have been cleaning the house)
So thanks dude! You've managed to change a bit of destiny!!! (I think Mick would have preferred me to be cleaning!)
So anyway, back to the reason I started blogging....
Yes it was because I joined Twitter - because before that I really wasn't even aware a HUGE mummy blogging world was hiding behind a little door, ready to take over the real world (cause thats whats going to happen you know!)
I started tweeting initially for work......
Social networking is for winners!
Then I started the blog - went with consistency in the choice of name..
But now as I have got into blogging a tiny winy bit, met some fabby people who write fabby blogs, I too find myself wanting to express myself in the way they do but am having to hold back what I want to say because I'm not just me, that's not how i originally established myself here.
Ok it's me - but I spend ALL day EVERY day writing stuff for work... do I really want to blog about serious stuff all the time?? Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed writing my early 'Serious' posts such as 'Pink Stinks' etc
So then...
I have put an edge of its ME in my blog by stating everything that I pap on about is my opinion and not linked to work (you wouldnt believe what can cause someone to send in a letter of complaint, I once wrote a feature on nappy rash and eczema and showed a pic of a babys bum and had a 4 x A4 page complaint letter!)..
but still, I could never really be ME in a blog linked to work.. so am I really that bad lol!.. (there are a couple of you who have me on facebook who know the real me!! erm... @lolas_mum has seen my early morning stroll pics and @nickie72 has seen my VERY secret drunken ventriloquism video)
The things mentioned in the blogs Emily talks about in her post are the things I'd love to write about...
So should I hold back?...
I also looked at my blog and realised, recently, I haven't actually written anything with any.. well.. erm.. anything! It's just been memes and tags!
I do occasionally say bollocks, poo, crap etc, but If i did occasionally swear, mentioned sex, my POO story that someone once asked me to elaborate on when commenting on someone elses post or even uploaded my drunken ventriloquism video - would it really do any harm to the magazine... are my readers really that prim and proper???
My honest opinion - no, you can never be "you" whilst holding a professional connection to work whether that be through your blog, twitter or FB. And I say that BECAUSE I've seen the drunk video :D And I feel very honoured to have seen it, albeit slightly unclean now.... *shudder*
It's easy enough to re-gain those connections if you start new accounts off and you can always have them linked (with disclaimers, of course) but you've needed this connection to promote yourself, obviously.
It's entirely up to you but, in my mind, if you're writing blog posts like this then I think you know what to do ;-)
LOL... thanks for making it sound TEN TIMES worse than it actually is!!!!!
Watch this space then?!!! .....
Ps... U do realise that I would never ever really actually upload my drunken vlog post lol (Im just all talk!) - its not even made it to facebook yet!!!
I think if you have two faces (as you do not really two faces, but a business face and a home face) that you can't mix the two really.
However I would love to see the drunk vlog post and the real you on Facebook (find me shortcode pippad lol) so I think that you are going to have to tell us all what you personal Twitter and blog are called!
Thanks for the mention! I think your post shows some of the reasons why people decide to stay anonymous when they blog. That said, some comments on my post suggested people still had their own rules even if they did blog anonymously. I agree with the other comments, once you have a professional link online with your blog you have to be more careful. I've just started doing some freelance writing and on occasions I've had to 'show' my blog. Luckily all was okay and I'm now relieved I've never put anything too scandalous on it. I think you can still have a lot of fun on your blog, even if there's the occasional drunken vlog you might have to miss out!
get two blogs-but be warned, I'll hunt the other one down!!!!!
I don't think you should link poo stories to the magazine. Sorry. I just don't.
But I love a good poo story so you make sure you tell me the new link.
haha thanks for your comments guys! Ive been in London all weekend so only just got back!
I think I made the things sound much worse that what they actually are... and although very funny... accidentally getting lots of baby poo in your mouth isn't really something everyone wants to read in-depth about !!
And really my drunken vlog isnt bad at all... but just funny!
But you are right...
Personal blog coming soon...
so watch this space!
Forgot to tell you - there's an award for you over at mine - lighthearted ;)
Thanks you!
Will find time... erm... next week - Promise!! xx