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Posted by Me - - 4 comments

I've been tagged (I like playing blog tag) 

And I was tagged by Nickie @ Typecast 

This game is quick, easy and fun! 

1. Open your first (oldest) photo folder in your computer library
2. Scroll to the 10th photo
3. Post the photo and the story behind it
4. tag 5 or more people to continue the thread

I am randomly tagging five people displayed as my followers: 
(And I mean randomly - I have my eyes closed and my finger pointing at the screen)

My photo is from the 22nd of September 2005. I forgot I had these! 
(Really not loving what's going on with that belly of mine there, but rules are rules, No. 10 it had to be!) 
We were out for Nic's birthday. 
From right to left: Nicola, Suzanne, Me, Shelley, Lisa, Bridget.
(I think Jayne must have taken the pic as she is missing from this one)

It was a top night. 
I think if I were to ask any of them now, they would all say that the highlight of the night was when Lisa (the maddest one out of the lot of us!) randomly approached a complete stranger and did a handstand around him on the dance floor! He really was not expecting it! 
(there is a pic of that very moment in this messy lot below!)

4 Responses so far.

  1. Me says:

    Ah Shelley! I'm laughing my head off at that picture of Bridget looking at you! I so forgot I had all these!!

    Thanks for this tag Nickie!!! x

  2. You're welcome :)

    Great photos - sometimes, looking at pics of other people's nights out can get a bit tedious and "samey" and full of strange pouty shots with weird looking blokes!!! but here it's just you and your mates all having a good time :D

  3. Thanks for the tag! I'll get right too it! You can't beat a good night out photo! So long as it's pre pissed as fart! LOL

  4. Me says:

    Yep, I'll second that one!!!!!!