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Posted by Me - - 9 comments

It's Sunday again.

If you don't already know.. hubby goes bed around 7pm on a Sun for his usual weekly 'goodbye wife, see you on Thursday' kip before he gets up at 2am for his trip to work... obviously kids are now in bed too... so it's just little old me.

I should really do some work, but I'll be doing that all day tomorrow - so I'm going to post a bit of this and that based on stuff I've read whilst eventually sorting out my Google reader, starting with the difference in size of my boobs....

This and That: #1 - It's a right thang

It was when reading Evie George's 'One side of my face is better looking than the other' that I realised every half of my self had a better part.

I commented on her post as follows:

Maybe tomorrow you will inspire me to decide which side of all my odd parts are better - to see if half of me wins!!!"

So I did... and here it goes...

Face: After studying a few pictures on Facebook, turns out it is my right side that is better looking than my left... Conclusion: Right wins

Eyes: My left eye is slightly more 'squintier' than my right... Conclusion: Right wins

Boobs: My left boob is bigger than my right - again Conclusion: Right wins, cause left bursts over my bra giving me the two boobs in one cup look

Feet: OH MY GOD... my left foot isn't just a little bit bigger... it's bloody MAHHUSIVE!!! and although they say supermodels have big feet, I'm going to go with the pattern to decide that Conclusion: Right Wins (plus left has onset of what I am sure is bunion!)

I could start to examine other parts of my body, but I'll leave it at that and conclude that my right self is far better than my left! (hahaha how vein do I sound! Oh, and It's just a bit of fun before any counselling obsessives comment otherwise!)

Anyone else have one body part larger than the other? 

This and That #2 - "Friends" (Spoken in true Inbetweeners styleeee)
As I said, my Google reader got 'unorganised'... a typical Amanda O'Hara trait... and I missed loads. People I thought I was following I wasn't, and people I was... who are you?

So anyway, I didn't get far down the list before the next post was something of interest - This and That #2 was another of Evie Georges which was unread. It was about Friendship and came about after an interesting post she read on Friendship Divorce.
I've been feeling a bit of a crap friend recently as I've been trying to find time to catch up with friends and just haven't had the time.

(own business, hubby away at work all week, two kids + all that comes with that! You get the pic, It's just not the same as it was pre-kids) 

So, as I was saying, crap friend.
One of my friends who I've been friends with since I was 19 (bridesmaid at my wedding) is pregnant with twins. I live in Preston and she lives in Skipton. We only ever get together once every 6 months or so.. but when you have a family and quite a few friends, that's the norm... isn't it?
This time, however, it's been like nearly 12 months! In fact not since my wedding (and it's our first wedding anniversary on the 9th April!) I really do need to see that bump before the gremlins thing happens and more than one baby pops out of it! So I'm going to see her next weekend (She better bloody keep them legs crossed and not eat anything after midnight!)
Of course I'll be back up again in a few weeks to see the babies so i'll have seen her more in a few weeks than I have in a year!!

You know what its like when you are a full time working mum... we all make plans to get together and then.. erm... don't!

So here is...

An Ode to my Friends: 

This week I'm seeing Liz
We'll drink a bottle of vino
What we'll do with the Kidz
I really do not know...

Nic + John I've planned to see
Then the plan doesn't follow through
I need to get more organised me
Cause I am really poo

To hear from Emma was really cool
I'll look forward to that lunch
We were bezzie mates at school
And part of the naughty bunch!

Jacky how many time have we said
More than I can remember
Kickboxing again we will go on a Wed
So lets pull out that finger!

And finally... Tamara
It's like I said above
Next week I'll come and see ya
So keep yer legs crossed love!

(check ma bad rhyming self rite out!!!) 

I have lots of very close friends,  who I don't see that often, but every now and again we get on the phone and have a right good catch up... (with some it might only be once or twice a year) We'll catch up on Facebook chat once in a while, or those best friend texts that do the rounds....  just one of those reminds don't have to see each other all the time but you will always be friends. We've all grown up, some have husbands and families of our own, I suppose it's just what happens. But if ever in need (or vice versa) we'll always be there for each other.

(My real friends don't read my blog I don't think... but If you do and I didn't mention you, its only cause your name didn't rhyme!!) 

anyway, it's getting late now (It just took me about 20 mins to think of that rhyme you know!)


This and That #3 


Last but not least, I just want to say that I am chuffed I've joined Notes from Laplands Secret Post Club. 

I'm looking forward to sending, and receiving my first parcel!

Also, her latest post is quite interesting, Its called 'How to find new readers for your blog' and is all about Erica's Guest Post Day on 5th March.

Which I've signed up for, but which brings me to the main part of This and That #3 ...

How the hell do all you working mums - or even stay at home mums who just have as much on your hands - find the time for all this blogging?!!!!!!

Love Manda xx
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Posted by Me - - 8 comments

Being from a parenting magazine, you were probably expecting me to be blogging about Postnatal urinary incontinence - but no... I'm just talking about laughing! (or 'PMSL' as its commonly abbreviated)


 Which brings me to the 'You Made Me Laugh Today Blog Award'

And I am awarding it to three posts that made me chuckle... in fact *red faced* the only three posts
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Posted by Me - - 11 comments

I received this Sunshine award from Nickie at Typecast (@nickie72) who seems to be even more popular than Lady Ga Ga!! So thank you for that Nickie, it brightened up my day - and has even actually made the sunshine in the sky work today! Whoop whoop! 
I am going to pass this award on to the following people for the following reasons. 
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Posted by Me - - 2 comments

One thing our kids can't say is that there is ever a dull moment about... with Mick being away at work most of the week, weekends are always jam packed with something or other, even if it is a load of nothing much particular... it is always fun nothing much particular!

What I am going to write about will probably get me into some kind of trouble no doubt. But hey ho...

... and if you are some animal cruelty activist, go take your rant else where...  It wasn't me, it was my hubby, who may I add you can meet in my chubby bunny eating post!! (eating marshmallows not bunnies) So go take it up with him!

So it was a few weeks ago, we had been for an early morning trip to the garden centre to buy a bird table (random) and decided to stop off at Huntley's to purchase some live Lobster. (even more random)

Mick, being the alpha male kind he is, has always fancied this as he loves his seafood.
Me on the other hand.. well put it this way, when Mick popped off to the supermarket to get me some chicken breast (I wasn't going to be eating Lobster after I'd met them - have you seen how ugly they are? I mean, would you eat a spider?) Where was I?... oh yeah, Mick at the supermarket buying me chicken, I got Mr and Mrs Pinchy out of the plastic tub to play with them. I was half tempted to set them free, "run for your lives little lobsters... run!" but the garden pond would have probably been a more traumatic death than the one that was about to greet them.

If you are going to try this at home, do me a favour...
1/ Use your noggin (unlike us). Being the smallest lobsters in the tank at the shop made them appear smaller than they actually were... a £15 pan set from Asda is not sufficient!
2/ Be careful! I am not being held responsible for any animal attacks, scoldings etc etc that may arise from boiling live animals after reading this blog!

The lobster turned out very nice. (Only takes 15 mins to boil) I didn't try any though... I ate Lobster in Bahrain last year and wasn't particularly keen then, so I stuck to my chicken stuffed with sun dried tomatoes and cream cheese wrapped in bacon!
I was however very impressed with both my children (Jake + Emma, nearly 12 + 9) who both got stuck in!

Oh and pleeeeease note - we are in the middle (still) of a kitchen extension/conservatory build, so excuse the plaster off the walls/bare bricks behind the cooker and dust etc etc!!

Enough rambling - here's the vid of how NOT to boil Lobster!!! (check out Gordon Ramsay or someone who knows what they are actually doing - as we should have done!)

(Just in case that doesn't work - here's the YouTube Link!)

Would you have eaten Mr and Mrs Pinchy? Or gone for the Chicken a la everything yummy?

.... One last thing...
Who should I tag in my Kill it, Cook it, Eat it meme?? lol Only joking!!!! :) xx
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Posted by Me - - 6 comments

Thanks to Slummy Single Mummy who tagged me in this meme. I've noticed a few of them doing the rounds in different shapes and forms... naming songs, posting pictures etc and this one had a simple feel good stuff angle. 
So keeping it that way, here's a list of stuff (20 to be exact) that get my feel good chemicals all funky ... see end for tags
(In no particular order... my brain works that way!) 

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Posted by Me - - 8 comments

Here is my video footage of our Chubby Bunny Marshmallow Challenge.... It was filmed this morning.. but before you watch it, there is just a little something I would like you to read.

First of all, @Lola's_mum managed to get out of the Chubby Bunny Marshmallow Challenge set to her by Karin @cafebebe by getting her Hubby to do the dirty work... and his dirty work turned out to be pretty impressive. What was even more impressive though was that he challenged not only myself
but my husband too. For those of you who don't know my Hubby... well, basically, he is a 6ft 7" giant! Big height, big personality... big gob! lol.

Well Phil managed 14 marshmallows... however it was noted that he failed to mutter the words "chubby bunny'... so we are waiting for his second attempt. Lets see if he beats Micks impressive score...

As for my extremely unimpressive score... there are just two things that completely excuse my pathetic attempt.

1/ I am suffering majorly from the after effects of Man-da-flu. (Far worse than any man flu believe me)

2/ Yesterday we attended Pendle beer festival, which is a real ale festival showcasing very strong alcohol with damaging effects, where I consumed:

Bosteels Kaelit Triple 8.4% Belgium Trappist brew x 1
Bacchus Frambozen 5.0% Belgium Raspberry Fruit Beer x 2
Extremely strong amazing tasting Damson Wine x 2
(Again extremely strong) Broadoak Perry cider x 1

(Mick consumed about 5 pints of something called O'Hares which I think was about 9%!)

After the beer festival, we went to a party.... !

Anyway, enough babble, basically I was feeling slightly delicate and a tad 'gaggish' without trying to stuff marshmallows in my gob... so knew it was going to be a fail before I began!!!
(and that's also the reason I look like POO!)

So here it is..... and yes... we did do it in the pub where we went for Sunday lunch!! I was trying to get Mick to wear a tiara but he told me to 'bog off'!....

(and here is the YouTube link incase the vid doesnt work for any reason

19 quite decent sized Marshmallows... Pretty impressive.. and he even managed to say "Chubby Bunny" (well mumble it).
Once I started giggling and dribbling, my hangover got the better of me so I spat. Didn't want to risk having to upload me vomming - I'd never live it down!

Now then, who shall I challenge....
Actually, I Chubby Bunny Challenge @Lolas_mum ( because although she has already been challenged.. she hasn't actually done anything... she got her man to do the dirty work!!!

and well.. I suppose that I can't stitch up @lolas_mum without stitching up @mummytips ( who also bummed out using her brood to do the dirty work... but I think I want to see Sian and this famous 12 finger trick....
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Posted by Me - - 5 comments

Whilst doing a little blog-spotting during my lunch hour, I came across @crystaljigsaw's recent blog post in which she interviewed her 1o year old daughter ( I thought that would be quite interesting and amusing, so have done the same.

The interviewees:
JR (my son) who will be 12 in just over two weeks... 1st year at high school, grown up all of a sudden and now knows far too much... which scares me a lot!

(my daughter) who will be 9 in March... looks like butter wouldn't melt, but think she is secretly the devil! (ahhh I don't really mean that, she is the sweetest ever in the world... half the time!!!)

To picture how the interview was conducted, each sat on a separate settee so they couldn't peek at each others answers. I read out the question, they wrote down the answer in silence. I am now about to type them up (yes the answers are about to be revealed to me as I type!)

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