(the la la la la was sarcastic, very!)
I love Christmas, i really do, but I just don't seem to have time to fit the preparation into my busy schedule this year! Aaarrgggghhh.
Can we postpone it just for a few weeks pretty please?!
It only really hit me yesterday that it's just around the corner, when we watched 'The Santa Claus 2' movie last night. (we = me and my hubby when the kids were in bed... haha tight gits!)
This year our work doo is on the Wednesday, so work officially finishes on the Tuesday & as far as 'Xmas prep' goes, that's Wednesday out of the equation and as for Thursday, well, the day after a works doo could do to be spent on the sofa in my PJ's cuddling a brew, but Thursday is Christmas eve. Bo***cks!!!!!!!!!
So basically... in my reckoning, I have three whole weeks to organise Xmas. Oh and it's deadline. It's always deadline. I have one of our Home & Lifestyle magazines to get out like now and the website to update, all before xmas. Double Bo***cks!!!!!!!
For me, this means solid working with some overtime too and not a chance of a day off! Not even an hour! With a hubby away all week, two kids with snooker practice, table tennis practice and brownies and not ONE Xmas present or decoration in sight. Oh and did I mention we are in the middle of a very draughty conservatory extension (thank god for my Moccis http://www.moccis.co.uk/about-moccis) and this weeks joy is no water in the kitchen!
Anyway.. back to Xmas...
Tomorrow I am going to buy my Cards, I will write them. (yes that was a fullstop!)
Unless I employ some kind of Mrs Santa Claus to organise Xmas for me, I will do my usual and leave everything until last minute. My plan to drive around dropping my Xmas cards off will start to officially crumble when it is just a few days before xmas, then it will be too late for the post, and beside, I don't own an address book anyway... I will put them in a box thinking 'they can be used next year'. Next year I will throw them out, just like I did with last years!
Then I will have to use Facebook for Xmas wishes!! Amanda-Mick Ohara - What's on your mind: "Happy Christmas, your cards are in my kitchen drawer.. but I love you"!
I really am crap! Is anyone else the same? Or do I have some kind of character flaw when it comes to organisation at this time of year?!
I think I should have been born a man (a-man-da!). Some of my friends have all their shopping done in July (Isn't that a bit sad??) Only blokes are meant to leave all their shopping till Xmas eve. This year I will probably still fail on the Xmas card thing (So I'll use this opportunity to send my wishes now!.. and for those of you who aren't reading this, I'll do the Facebook thing!!) BUT I am not going to be a hungover Christmas eve stressed shopper like last year, and the year before that, and the year before that... I am going to shop online... tomorrow!!! (After I have written my cards!)
And (yes it gets worse) wrapping is usually done some time after midnight on the 24th... (obviously I'm not talking November!)
I've decided... this year... there is going to be change... a new organised me! (I'll keep you posted!)
Anthea Turner kindly offered our readers 8 tips for a stress free Christmas on page 7 of our latest edition. Click the following link, and then click the page to zoom in and read it http://issuu.com/flyingstart/docs/flyingstart26binder (and whilst you are there, take a look on the opposite page for help rockin' your bump this xmas!)
Anyway, here is my response... (I'm sure Anthea won't be reading this lol!)
1. Home made decorations???? My children make like 3 each, and when they eventually get them home in their school bags, they are either covered in yogurt or its February!
2. Don't you worry... I know why mums go to Iceland!
3. Don't be stupid!
5. So Im not the only one then??
6. Are you seriously taking the Michael!!!
7. Ok so there was one reason for us publishing this, all for a good cause!!!!
8. You haven't seen one of my Sunday dinners love!!!
In fact, talking of Iceland... we actually went to Aldi yesterday and purchased a rather large frozen Turkey for just eight whole English pounds! A bargain compared to the £40 I paid the butcher last year (yes, you got it, on Christmas eve!!)
So I suppose this change has started already!
If you need some ideas for kids gifts, take a look at pages 12-21 for some fantastic ideas. http://issuu.com/flyingstart/docs/flyingstart26binder
And here is something really random to finish http://www.weebls-stuff.com/wab/pastry/
Anthea Turner,
christmas cards,
christmas doo,
christmas gifts,
Weebls stuff,
I love it............. lets set this straight, to you and all the readers. Hubby (which is me... on weekends at least haha) covers the shopping, presents, decorations, and the hang over brews!!! Nothing will change this year LOL its a certainty. Mr Flyingstart :)
Saw your message on BMB site. Just wanted to say Hi and welcome! Your blog looks great!
Thanks Rosie! And Hello back :)
Oh and as for you Hubby! I see you have found my blog (haha!).. Am loving your new 'Mr Flying Start' identity!! Thanks for all your faith in me!!
P.s. Day 2... still no xmas cards!!!
Here I sat thinking you were publicly saying thank you for all the faith and support I give you!!...... then I re read your blog update and realised it is a comment on my faith in your xmas shopping antics this year!!! hahaha I felt all appreciated for a second there, oh well, back to shopping and sorting out Christmas tree (the big green thing manda that has lights on and should have gone up yesterday) Mr Flyingstart x Out!
Update as promised: Today I did a job lot Amazon Christmas gift order - kids, hubby, mum, bro etc etc. All to be delivered before the 22nd... hmmm cutting it a bit tight, but hey - its done!!!
Only one or two things to buy in the shops - BLISS!
AND I bought my Christmas cards over a week ago - still to be written but they are here - right by my desk!
Not bad goin for me!!
Before you comment and go - have a look at the latest post on Pink Stinks
Ciao xxx